Senin, 05 Januari 2015

Follow us in 2010

SQA re-started today. Caroline and me made it back, but Hilary fell on the ice during the holiday and broke her wrist, and I'm not sure when she will make it back.

I hope you choose to follow us during 2010. This can be done in a number of ways. This blog is the best way to keep up-to-date with developments. So either bookmark this page or add the feed to your newsreader (I use Google Reader). Most modern phones have a newsreader of some kind and that's a great way of reading this blog. You can also follow us on Twitter. If you subscribe to our Twitter feed you will get more regular, but smaller, updates.

We set up a new online service last year for people who want to work with SQA. It's proven to be very popular, with over 100 people subscribed already. In the coming year we will use this group to let you know how you can get involved in the work of SQA in any one of a number of roles. So, if you haven't already, please join this group if you want to get involved in curriculum development in the vocational Computing area.

In my last update letter, I wrote that that would be my last routine letter to centres, and that I would use this blog to disseminate information in future. This blog is six years old this year and it's time that it became a key part of how me and my team communicate with you.

Of course, you can continue to contact us directly. Our e-mail addresses and telephone numbers are on the team organisation chart, which you can download here.

The team here in SQA hope you have a good 2010.

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