Rabu, 21 Januari 2015

Keeping up-to-date with SQA

I am sometimes told that teachers are too busy to check this blog or follow us on Twitter, and I appreciate the pressures on teachers and lecturers during term-time (I was one myself for 22 years).

But these tools are designed to save time. The blog is a great way of knowing what has happened, or what is about to happen, without waiting for your SQA Co-ordinator to pass on a letter. Twitter provides real-time information about the team so, for example, I can let you know if a member of the team is absent, which might explain why your e-mail has went unanswered. They are also democratic media. It doesn't matter if you are Head of Department or a part-time lecturer, anyone can access them.

You can access the blog and Twitter via your mobile phone, which is a great way of reading them. The blog has an RSS feed that can be used on your phone (I use Newsrob on my Andoid handset) and most modern phones come with Twitter software (simply follow sqacomputing). So, in the space of two minutes on the daily commute you can keep up-to-date with developments.

I should emphasise that neither the blog nor Twitter replace anything. They are additional services that the team take the time to maintain on top of the standard communication channels (letters, website, etc.).

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