Kamis, 26 Februari 2015

Innovation in Application Development

You may recall a few weeks ago I sent a message to you all asking whether, if it was to be organised, you would be interested in attending an event that would look at i-phone application programming. The aim of such an event would be to consider the potential of a range of programming tools to support innovation in curriculum delivery.

I'm pleased to announce that Scotland's Colleges, in association with representatives from Apple and colleges in Scotland, will be hosting an awareness raising event on Thursday 1st April 2010. The morning sessions will look at the use of Apple application development tools within current programmes and the potential for integrating development of iPhone apps into curriculum delivery.

Following on from that, in the afternoon, there will be sessions on Alice programming, Xbox / XNA Games studio programming and Second Life programming. As well as an opportunity to consider innovation in the delivery of programming within the curriculum, it will also offer a chance to network with colleagues from across the sector regarding the use of these applications.

If you would be interested in attending this event please follow the link below for further information and to register. Please note the event is free.


If you have any queries at this stage please do not hesitate to contact me directly.


Liam Priest
New Ventures Manager
New Ventures

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