Minggu, 01 Maret 2015

Computer Games event

The event to support teachers of the new NPAs in Computer Games Development took place yesterday at Scotland's Colleges in Stirling.

There has been a fantastic response to this course, with it being over-subscribed many times over. Thirty-five people attended yesterday's event, mostly teachers from Scottish schools but college lecturers too.

The event was a collaboration between Scotland's Colleges and SQA Academy. Participants undertook some [online] preparation via SQA Academy prior to yesterday's event, which was a face-to-face meeting, led by Colin Maxwell of Carnegie College.

I wasn't able to attend but, by all accounts, if was a good day. It's planned to have a couple more events due to the demand for this course in March and June.

Contact Fiona Saxby for more information about this course or contact Hilary if you want to know more about the qualifications.

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