Senin, 09 Maret 2015

HN 2.0 kicks off

The HN 2.0 project commenced this afternoon. I received a large number of responses to my recent request for volunteers and I assembled what is, I think, a good team with a range of complimentary skills and backgrounds. There are representatives of FE (such as Aberdeen College), universities, and experts on e-assessment in the team.

Today's meeting was the first meeting of the team and, as such, we spent some of the time getting to know each other. I also explained the aims of and objectives of the project. Essentially, we intend to carry out some research, and create a report on how colleges can use social media/Web 2.0 tools to carry out (summative) assessment within the new HNC Computing. One thing we all agreed on was that the report would not be an academic piece of writing -- we all want it to be something that is genuinely useful to college lecturers, and something that they can use to improve their classroom practice.

We also intend to organise a one day event sometime in June when we will launch the report, and use that event to spread good practice.

The project will be led by Kenji Lamb, who many of you will know from his work at JISC. Contact Kenji if you want to know more about this project. Although this project is linked to the HN Review, I didn't post this update on that blog because of the generic nature of this work. So look out on this blog for future updates about this development.

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