Senin, 27 April 2015

Changes to various HN Unit Specifications

Following the last HN QST meeting, the following HN Unit Specifications have been updated and version 02 is now available on the SQA Website - please refer to the Administrative Information section within the Unit to see a description of the changes made:

F0N0 35 Professional Issues in Computing
DX43 35 Information Technology: Legislation and Codes of Practice
DF6C 34 Software Development: Introduction
F1VS 34 Interactive Media: Planning
F1YY 34 Web Development: Essential Content

Any associated exemplar materials will also be amended to reflect the changes made if applicable.

In addition to the changes above, the following Group Award changes will become live over the next 3-5 days:

DM2X 35 Computer Operating Systems 2 (now an optional unit within HNC IT and HNC Computer Networking)

D7LW 34 Communication: Using Information Technology and Desktop Publishing will be
added to frameworks as an either/or with DF5Y 34 Desk Top Publishing

DG06 35 and D76D 35 Internet: Web Server Management will have lapse dates added to them and centres should deliver the latest version of this unit being DM3C 35

All changes will be included in the next Update Letter to Centres.

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