Kamis, 09 April 2015

Computer forensics

We're always looking for good ideas for new awards, and some time ago a centre proposed a qualification in the area of computer forensics. This topic already features in the new HND awards (there are units in forensics and hacking), but this proposal was for a separate qualification.

As a result, we are considering creating a PDA in Digital Forensics, which would be a small(ish) award at SCQF Level 7 or 8. This qualification would focus on this specialist area and compliment our existing suite of PDAs.

I have already had discussions with special interest groups, such as the police who were supportive of the idea, but Jacquie Campbell, a Business Development Manager, would be interested to know if there is interest from centres so please let Jacquie know if your centre would be interested in offering an award like this.

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