Kamis, 30 April 2015

Qualification Support Team

The Qualification Support Team (QST) for vocational Computing qualifications meets annually and the next meeting is coming up on 28 May.

The QST, as the name infers, is responsible for supporting qualifications. The members are drawn from colleges, schools and training providers. A key responsibility is to advise SQA about the materials needed to support new or existing awards. The meetings provide an opportunity for you to tell us what you need.

Another important job for the QST is to consider proposed changes to qualifications. During the year we receive many suggestions for changes (such as the addition of an optional unit to a qualification) and this body considers a number of such ideas. If the QST accepts a suggested change then my team impliment that change.

So, the QST is an important forum for many reasons. It gives practitioners a voice about the kinds of support you need and what qualifications look like. Contact Hilary if you want to know more about QSTs or want to volunteer to become a member.

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