Kamis, 28 Mei 2015

Qualification Support Team

The Qualification Support Team (QST) for Computing met today in the SQA offices in Glasgow. Thirteen people attended today's meeting. Members are drawn from colleges, schools and training providers.

The role of the QST is to "effect on-going improvements to group awards and exemplify national standards". In plain English, that means the QST monitors qualifications and suggests improvements.

A key role is to consider proposals from centres to change awards. Over the course of a year, we get many suggestions for adding, removing or altering awards and units, and the QST considers each one. If it is accepted, my team implements the change. Another key role is to suggest new support materials that are needed by centres. So we spent some time today considering what is needed by centres to help them deliver SQA awards.

The QST is not a talk-shop. Today we agreed a number of changes to units and awards that we will implement before the start of next session. Please contact Hilary if you want to know more about the work of the QST or volunteer to join it. We're particularly looking for school and workplace members. The QST meets annually, with online communications between meetings.

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