Kamis, 18 Juni 2015

Launch event for HNC/D Computer Games Development

The launch event for the new HNC/D Computer Games Development awards was held today in the Stirling Highland Hotel. Twenty five people attended, representing around 20 centres.

Launch events are always a pleasure. They come at the end of a long development process and they tend to be something of a celebration -- and today's sunshine and lovely location added to the nice atmosphere. As well as introducing the awards to the audience, we also took the opportunity to ask some students along to showcase their work, which was great to see.

We recently validated new NPAs in this area, and Forth Valley College is developing a new NC award so we asked Julie (NPAs) and Fiona (NC) to introduce their awards. It was great to see this family of awards begin to come together.

Contact Caroline for more information about HNC/D Computer Games Development.

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