Jumat, 03 Juli 2015

New E-Commerce units

A few months ago, I stated that we were looking at our e-commerce provision to ensure that it was up-to-date, since the Scottish Government had targetted e-commerce as a vital area for the Scottish economy.

Some of the existing units were pretty long in the tooth, and many of the latest developments in this area where missing, so we took the decision to write a series of new units, spanning SCQF Levels 6, 7 and 8. The units (at all three Levels) will be called E-Commerce: Principles & Practice. As the title infers, each unit will be a mix of knowledge and skills.

We are currently in the process of writing the units, which will be available to centres from December. The units will be offered stand-alone, and we may also create a PDA from them. It is likely that some or all of them will be added to some existing awards (such as the new HNC in Computing).

The project is being led by John Gordon, who many of you will know from his time as Director of MEDC. Contact John if you want more information about this development.

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