When I returned from my secondment, I said that I would re-invigorate the online communities and I've now set up a number of new groups to support various SQA awards. I've chosen Jiglu to host the groups since I prefer this service to Yahoo Groups - but neither one is as good as Smartgroups (RIP) in my opinion. Here are the groups...
There is a group to support the new National Certificate in Digital Media Computing, one to support HNC/D Computing, one for HNC Interactive Media, and one for HNC/D Information Technology. It's straight-forward to subscribe to these groups - simply visit the home page and select "Join space" (left-hand column). Please note that you have to register with Jiglu before you can join a group (or "space" in Jiglu terminology).
The existing groups will continue. There's a generic mailing list hosted by Yahoo (for all Computing-related qualifications), and a dedicated Jiglu group for Internet Safety. I would particularly encourage you to subscribe to the mailing list (it currently has over 650 members) since this is where many announcements are made.
None of these groups replace the traditional means of communication. Every important development will be notified in the usual way (letter to centres and/or e-mail to SQA Co-ordinators). But they provide a uniquely interactive means of communicating with you and also for you to provide support to your colleagues.
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