Jumat, 21 Agustus 2015

Welcome back

I've been trying to find the time since Monday to post a "welcome back" message. I still miss the long summer holidays (as a Head of Department I was probably going to lose them anyway) and I know the "return to work" feeling that many of you will be currently experiencing. Anyway, welcome back!

The summer holiday has been quite productive for the Computing team. We've progressed the HND Interactive Media development and commenced the HND Computer Games Development.

I'll be writing to centres in the near future with my usual annual update letter, although it won't contain anything that readers of this blog won't know about already. It's a pity that I have to maintain the two forms of communication (web and traditional) since this places an extra burden on my team. I'm sure that the day is coming when update letters are a thing of the past.

It would be nice if this blog was more interactive in the coming year. I'm pretty sure that it has a high readership but there is little use made of the comment facility (or the polling facility - the current poll has three votes) and that's a pity because it's one of the strengths of online communications.

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