Sabtu, 26 September 2015

Aspect report for Computing

I've previously mentioned the Aspect report for Computing. The final version was published this morning. The report can be downloaded here [PDF]. I haven't had time to read this version but I was privvy to a late draft version, which was much more positive than the previous report (2009).

These subject-based Aspect reports are important. They provide an objective measure of teaching, learning and acheivement in a subject context. So, there is a lot to be taken from them. From SQA's perspective, I will go through the report to see what we can do to address the issues that are identified. One springs to mind immediately. The first recommendation is "to establish clearly the place of mathematics in computing programmes" and that is something that SQA can contribute to. I'm sure that we will be able to help in lots of ways.

I think that the sector will be pleased with the report. It makes much better reading than the previous one, and highlights many of the improvements that have taken place since then. Everyone with an interest in computing in Scottish colleges should read this report.

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