The annual training event for External Verifiers was held on Saturday in SQA's Glasgow offices. There are 12 EVs who take care of vocational Computing qualifications, led by David Drennan. EVs perform a vital role within SQA's quality assurance system. This team visits centres to ensure that national standards are being applied in every SQA centre.
The purpose of Saturday's event was twofold: to tell EVs about SQA's new approach to quality assurance, and to provide a subject-related update. The QA system is being changed. The new system will be phased in over the next two years. There are already a number of pilot centres involved. The new system is a refinement on the existing system but with many improvements. For example, there are now a range of options open to EVs when they experience problems in a centre, rather than the "hold" or "don't hold" options in the current system. The new system sounds much better.
I gave a qualification update during the afternoon. It's important that EVs are aware of qualification changes so I talked about recent changes (such as the new HNC Computing), on-going changes (such as the HN Review), and forthcoming changes (such as the review of PC Passport). There was nothing in my update that regular readers of this blog will not know about.
Being an EV is a fascinating job, and superb CPD for teachers. You can find out more here.
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