Rabu, 14 Oktober 2015

Aspect report on Computing

I've mentioned previously the recently published Aspect report [PDF] on Computing in colleges. I've now had a proper read of the final report.

Section 9 lists a number of actions that various agencies should carry out. There are none directly addressed to SQA (the curriculum got a pretty clean bill of health) but there are some that, I think, SQA can play an important role. These are:

  • the role of Mathematics within Computing programmes
  • the achievement rates in the subject area
  • employer involvement in programmes.
The report also mentions vendor links (in Section 2 rather than a recommendation) and this is something, too, that I plan to look at.

I intend to liaise with the HMIE who wrote the report (Sheila Page) to discuss how SQA can help. I think that the first recommendation (the role of Maths within Computing) is something, in particular, that SQA can assist with. Look out for future posts about this.

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