Minggu, 25 Oktober 2015

Heads of Computing event

I recently posted about the planned Heads of Computing event, which will be held on 2 December in Glasgow. The team met this morning to firm-up our plans and finalise the agenda.

The event will take place in the recently refurbished Central Hotel in Glasgow, commencing at 10:00am and finishing at 4:00pm. We are accepting online registrations now. There are 70 places available but it's a popular event so please book soon.

It should be an interesting day. In addition to the usual standing items - my qualifications update and the Senior EV's annual report - we will also talk about:

  • HN Review
  • case study in delivering Computer Games qualifications
  • college partnerships.

There will also be an update on the e-learning materials available to support Computing awards, including a demonstration.

A detailed agenda will be sent to every centre in the near future. Please contact Caroline if you want to know more about this event. You can register here.

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