Jumat, 23 Oktober 2015

PC Passport review

As you will know, PC Passport is currently being reviewed. This important development commenced earlier this year and has been progressing well. The Qualification Development Team has been working hard to revise the qualification. The draft qualification is pretty well developed and we are now at the stage of finalising the units.

I met with the core development team earlier this week to look at the draft units to make final changes.

The recent focus on digital literacy has had an impact on the award. We took the decision to try to embed as many digital literacy skills within the revised award as we could. Sometimes this involved changing the title of a unit (for example, we now have a series of units called "Network Literacy" instead of "Online Skills") and sometimes it involved changing the contents of the units -- and sometimes both. That's the nature of qualification development -- it's fluid. But I am sure that we are right to try to embed these new skills.

There is also a big focus in the revised award on social media (there is a series of units called "Social Media") and information skills (there is a series of units called "Information Literacy", which was previously "ICT Skills"). The end result, I hope, is an up-to-date, exciting qualification that delivers essential knowledge and skills.

We plan to have the revised qualification completed by early 2014 (the validation is planned for January) and available to centres from March 2014. I am hoping that you will find the new award as modern and exciting as we think it is.

Contact Hilary if you want to know more about this development.

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