Jumat, 27 November 2015

External Verifier meeting

The team of External Verifiers (EVs) meet occasionally to discuss a range of issues relating to quality assurance. The Computing team met this morning in the SQA Glasgow offices. The meeting was led by David Drennan.

There is a standing item on the agenda when I update the EVs about recently developed (or soon to be developed) qualifications that they might come across while carrying out their duties. My update today included the recently developed NPA Doing Business Online, the new NPAs in Computer Games Development, and the range of vendor related developments currently taking place, such as the CIW project.

Gerry MacKie came along to update the EVs about the HN Review and to get their views on a range of issues. We had an excellent discussion. The EVs supported the idea of a common HNC leading to specialised HNDs, they also supported a generic HND award, and wanted the HNC to continue to be assessed by an examination.

Being an External Verifier is fantastic CPD for practicing teachers and lecturers. Contact Allison Paterson if you want to know more.

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