Kamis, 19 November 2015

HNC/D Computer Games Development review has commenced

SQA was the first awarding body in the UK to offer qualifications in computer games when we introduced the HNC/D Computer Games Development in 2005. We revised that award in 2009, and it is now due to be reviewed again.

I met with Gill Flockart, of Dundee & Angus College, this afternoon to discuss the possible changes required to the existing award. Gill is going to scope the likely changes. She will consult widely during the scoping process to discover what's good and what's not so good about the current award.

Gill will complete the scoping exercise by March 2015, after which we will get down to making the necessary changes to the qualification. The revised qualification will be available to centres from session 2016/17.

Contact Caroline for more information about this project.

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