I met with Ted Hastings yesterday afternoon to discuss progress with the review of the Internet Safety qualification. Ted had been at a meeting in the morning in Edinburgh with various agencies with an interest in this area, including the Scottish Government and Education Scotland.
I was pleased to hear that his proposed changes to the existing qualification were well received. Over the last couple of months, Ted has been consulting widely on the contents of the updated unit.
So, we're now at the stage where we can confidently proceed with writing the revised unit. A draft version will be available by the end of this month, with a final version available to centres from January 2012. We will also update the support materials, which will include an assessment exemplar and online teaching materials, including a mobile phone version. These materials will be available to centres from March next year.
We plan to launch the revised qualification at Safer Internet Day 2012, which will be 2 February next year.
Contact Caroline for more information about our Internet Safety award.
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