Rabu, 02 Desember 2015

External Verifier meeting

I went along to the bi-annual meeting of External Verifiers on Saturday. The EVs meet twice per year to discuss field issues -- issues that arise when they go about their verification duties. The lead verifier (David Drennan) led the event and a key part of the day was his annual report.

I get a great deal out of the event since I can find out about the issues facing the verifiers when they visit centres. Many of the problems that they face relate to unit specifications or assessment exemplars or other support materials. It also gives me an opportunity to let the EVs know about forthcoming changes to courses and support materials, and to let them know what is in my development plan for next year.

Being an external verifier is fantastic CPD for a teacher or lecturer. You can find out more about becoming an EV from Allison Paterson.

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