Minggu, 06 Desember 2015

Heads of Computing event

The Heads of Computing event was held on Friday (2 December) but I've not had the chance to update the blog since then.

These meetings have been taking place, every year, for a long time. I remember attending them when I was a Head of Department in the 1990's. Computing is one of the few subject areas to continue with these events but I think that they still serve a purpose since they, effectively, summarise what's been going on for the last 12 months - and what's coming down the line in the future. So, they're a great way to catch up, for busy people.

There was a good turn out on Friday. Fifty-four people attended, from 34 colleges, which represents very good coverage of the Scottish FE sector.

There are some standing items on the agenda, such as the Senior External Verifier's annual report, and my own presentation was a standing item too -- the qualification update, when me, Caroline and Hilary report on what's been developed over the last year and what we're currently working on.
The agenda was pretty varied with presentations about the teaching of Computer Games qualifications, an update on the online learning material that is available to centres, and a particularly interesting discussion about how colleges can work together. We also took the opportunity to update attendees on the HN Review.

All of the presentations from the day are available from Caroline. If you attended the event, please complete a short event evaluation survey to help us make next year's event better.

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