Senin, 14 Desember 2015

Operational planning

The team met this morning to discuss our plans for 2015-13. Every year each team in the Qualifications Development Directorate creates an operational plan, which describes the qualifications that we plan to revise or create in the coming year. I know that colleges do something similar, which is why we have the Heads of Computing event around this time of the year to help you create your plans.

A number of awards are due their "quinquenial review". We try to review each qualification every five years. So, next year we will be looking at the National Certificate in Digital Media Computing, PC Passport, and HNC/D IT, among others. We also have some ideas for new qualifications. Of course, me and my team don't just dream up things and then proceed to develop them. Every development goes through a business case process, which ensures that we only spend time and money on qualifications that meet a real need.

We try to listen to what you want throughout the year, but if you have any ideas for new qualifications please contact me directly or leave a comment on this post.

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