Kamis, 19 Februari 2015

Selecting External Verifiers

I spent this morning finalising my External Verifier (EV) selections for 2010/2011. Once per year I am asked to select EVs and work out how many days each one needs to carry out their designated roles (which can be to check NC, HN, SVQ or vendor awards). David Drennan (ex-Cumbernauld College, now retired) heads the EV team.

EVs don't just go round centres to check standards. They are increasingly used for a wide range of tasks such as checking the quality of support materials or helping to write Units. Being an EV is fantastic CPD. Not only do you gain first-hand experience of the standards across colleges but you are also involved in a wide range of curriculum development activities.

I have encouraged readers of this blog to apply to become an EV. If you have applied, you might be wondering how long it takes to move from the reserve list to being used. I am working with Assessment Standards people in SQA to try to find a way of giving new EVs an opportunity to get involved.

Contact Allison Paterson if you want to know more about becoming an EV. Join the SQA Groupsite if you want to be kept informed about general opportunities for working with the Computing team.

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