The articulating HND from the HNC Information Technology is due to go back to the VP (Validation Panel) to establish if the conditions which have been place on it have been fully addressed. The re-scheduled validation event is scheduled to take place on Thursday June the 29th and the QDT (Qualifications Design Team) assure me and are hopeful that they have achieved the outstanding items indicated by the VP.
In the meantime, an event is being held at the Marriot Hotel, Glasgow (8th of June) to bring centre representatives up to speed with the validated HNC Information Technology. The plan for the event is that in the morning the HNC Information Technology, which has been validated, will be introduced. In the afternoon the QDT will explain the contents of the proposed HND and take feedback from the field. I hope that your centre can send at least one representative to this event.
You can register and record your place by following this link -
Registrations will be accepted on a first-come basis. Please note that you can request a copy of the presentations without attending the event.
Please contact Angela Lees ( if you require further information relating to HNC Information Technology.
Mike Jannetta
Qualifications Manager
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