Minggu, 31 Mei 2015

Update on the Validation Status of the National Certificate in Digital Media Computing L4 and L5 & the Associated NPAs

1 Validation Status (all awards)
We are just about ready to go back to the Validation Panel and reckon that we have addressed all conditions and most of the main recommendations. The item that is holding us back here is not the SSC approval, which I expected, but there are about 6 or 7 unit IDs missing. We hope to publish the definitive NC DMC frameworks @ SCQF L4 and L5 within the next 10 days. We also hope to have the award IDs at this time.

2 ASP (Assessment Support Pack)
The ASPs vetting/verification production is under way with us giving the PC Passport awards priority. We expect that all ASPs will be complete, as scheduled, by the end of June, however, this is a big job and will take time to complete. Once we are finished, it will take the SQA Publication's Team time to get these items with the correct look and uploaded to the SQA Secure Website.

3 Qualifications Support Team
We am looking to recruit a team across the sector (ie schools, FE and training providers) to support and modify these awards (ie NC DMC, NPAs - including PC Passport) as per the new SQA procedures to maintain awards. If you have any members of staff who would be interested in assisting the SQA in this area could you please get them to e-mail me their details (deadline 1st June)? We would like an initial meeting to discuss how this process works with the selected members of this QST before the end of June.

Mike Jannetta
Qualifications Manager

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