Selasa, 02 Juni 2015

Welcome to Hilary

Hilary Weir joined the team on Monday. She replaces Shirley who has moved to the textiles subject area. Hilary also replaces Jacquie Campbell and effectively picks up both Shirley's and Jacquie's portfolios.

Crudely put, Hilary will deal with National Certificate/NPA/SVQ awards (including PC Passport) and Caroline will deal with HN/PDA awards. It's not quite as simple as that and the attached organisation chart defines who is responsible for what.

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Save File: HN SVQ team (June 2009).doc

I'm delighted to have Hilary in the team since she is full-time and provides more continuity to centres. In time, as she learns the ins-and-outs of the subject area, she will be a valuable source of help and support to you.

I would advise you to print and store the organisation chart so that you know who to contact for your particular queries. The document also contains our e-mail addresses and telephone numbers so that you know exactly how to contact us.

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