Jumat, 18 September 2015

Becoming an External Verifier

I often receive requests from teachers and lecturers about becoming an SQA External Verifier. I had a request today, which made me refresh my memory on the procedure.

An External Verifier (EV) is responsible for ensuring standards are maintained in SQA centres, and also to ensure that all centres apply the same national standards. You can find out more about the job here. Becoming an EV is fantastic continued professional development (CPD) for a teacher since it gives you an insight into national standards and local practices. EVs typically visit centres, normally Scottish schools or colleges, and check their assessment practices.

You can apply to become an EV by sending an e-mail to Appointee Management. After you apply, you would be considered for service when I carry out my annual EV selections, normally around Spring time each year. I try to freshen up my EV team by occasionally adding new blood to the team so don't be shy about applying if you are interested in carrying out this important national role.

The EV team is led by David Drennan who would be happy to answer your questions about the role.

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