Minggu, 13 September 2015

PC Passport units and assessments

I received an e-mail this morning from a teacher who asked a question about PC Passport. He wanted to know if he could use the old PC Passport assessments with the new units.

In my update letter of 9 August I referred to the use of old and new units and old and new assessments. Basically, for the current year only, centres can use any combination of new and old units and assessments that they like.

This is because some centres will have began delivering the course before we published the final version of the units and assessments during the summer. Of course, I would recommend that you use the new units and the new assessments since we believe that these are improvements over what was there, but, if you don't, you will not be penalised -- for this year only.

Contact Hilary for more information about PC Passport.

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