Minggu, 04 Oktober 2015

Moderators update event

Moderators update event

Originally uploaded by bobbyelliott.

An update event was held on Saturday for HN moderators and SVQ verifiers at the Dunblane Hilton Hydro. Most Computing moderators/verifiers managed to attend.

The purpose of these events (which are held once a year) is to bring moderators (for a wide range of subjects) up-to-date with quality assurance issues. The focus of this year's meeting was the new "V" units which replace the "D" units as means of certificating the knowledge and skills of moderators. But the event is also a good opportunity for moderators to discuss general quality issues.

I plan to arrange a meeting of the Computing moderators to discuss recent changes to Computing provision - especially the revised SVQs, the updated HNC Computing and the new awards that have recently been validated (such as Internetworking).

You can find out more about the work of moderators (including how to become one yourself) from Marion Weir.

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