Minggu, 04 Oktober 2015

Changes to HN Unit Interactive Media Composition

There have been some significant changes (including removal of outcome) to the HN Unit Interactive Media Composition over the Summer and as a result we have added to the HND Interactive Media (G9AY 16) framework a revised version of this to run alongside the existing F6BW 35 Interactive Media Composition.  Unfortunately we were unable to implement any changes before the start of the new session so we were unable to include this in our batch notification update in July.

This means that centres can choose to deliver F6BW 35 Interactive Media Composition OR FW2V 35 Interactive Media Composition.  Both are at the same SCQF Level and are single credit Units.

A finish date of 31st July 2013 has been attached to FW2V 35 so any centres choosing to continue to deliver this Unit will have to ensure their candidates are certificated by this end date.

A new exemplar pack has been developed for FW2V 35 and should be published over the next couple of months.

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