Rabu, 02 Desember 2015

Linux: A list of common commands (and usually charged on LPI)

Below is a short list of commands used Unix-like systems. To information about each one of them you can see the corresponding man page on your system or visist sites like tldm or tab focus.
A little note is that most of these commands are charged on the LPI exams. So much attention to the use and syntax of each.

bg: leaves a process running in the background.
chattr: change attributes of files and directories. It is not related to access permission.
chfn: change the output of the finger.
chkconfing: configure automatic startup of daemons.
clear: clears the screen.
cmp: comparison between two binary files.
cut: snippet shows particular row / column a file.
date: view / modify the system date and time.
depmod: check the dependence of determiando módufo.
df: space occupied / available storage devices mounted.
diff: comparison between two text files.
saying: lookup tool for servers DNS.
dirname: get the directory name.
dmesg: displays messages from system startup.
dnsdomainname: Shows the domain name system.
du: shows floor space within the current directory.
echo: displays messages.
edquota: edit settings disk quota.
expand, then replaces TABs by single spaces.
find: do a search on the system.
finger: details about the system users.
fg: bacvkground takes a process and leaves in the foreground.
fmt: Sa'd to format the certain number of characters per line.
free: shows memory space.
grep: find a sequence of characters.
groupadd: Adds a group in the system.
groupdel: remove a system group.
groups: shows the name of the registered groups.
halt: shortcut to turn off the system immediately.
head: displays the initial lines of a file.
hexdump: shown binary files in hex.
Host: tool for DNS lookup.
hostname: display / change the computer name.
id: returns information about the user.
insmod: load kernel modules without checking dependencies.
join: concatenates file-based fields.
kmod: load modules automatically by demand.
last: shows the history of logins and logouts into the system.
lastlog: shows the last login to the system .
less: paging files or standard input.
ldconfig: creates necessary links and cache the libraries found in the system.
logname: Shows the login.
ln: create links in the system.
logger: allows scripts to add entries to the / var / log.
lpc: against the print queue.
lpq: Shows the status of the print queue.
lpr: sends a file to the print queue.
lprm: removes a job from the print queue.
lsattr: displays attributes of files and directories: No is related to access permission.
lsmod: lists the modules loaded by the kernel.
mesg: allows communication through talk.
modconf: interface to facilitate the loading of modules.
modinfo: displays information about a particular module, including configuration options.
modprobe: load checking kernel modules dependencies.
more: paging files or standard input.
netstat: shows connections, routing statistics and so on.
newgroup: changes the identification of a particular user group.
nl: numbers the lines of a file. Equivalent cat-b.
nohup: start a program and play for background if the user logs out.
passwd: change the password of a user.
paste: concatenate files side by side.
ping: sends ICMP packets to another network host.
pwd: shows the current directory.
quota: monitoring and control of quotas.
quotacheck: usage statistics of disk quotas.
reboot: shortcut to restart the system immediately.
repquota: generating reports about quotas.
rmmod: remove modules loaded by the kernel.
runlevel : shows the previous and current runlevel.
seq: print a sequence of numbers.
shutdown: shutdown and restart the computer immediately or at all program.
sort: organizing the contents of files or standard input to the program.
su: allows a "Rapid users. "
sg: allows a "fast" group.
sync: writes data into ram instead of disk cache, leaving it to do so in the event of system downtime.
tail: linahs shows the end of a file. inverse of the head command.
talk: start a conversation with another user logged.
tee: read an entry and redirects to one or more output.
telinit: modifies the current system runlevel.
time: shows the time spent for execution of a process system.
touch: creates empty files and change the date / time of existing files.
tr: modify or delete characters.
uname: Returns the system name and version.
unexpand: then replaces TABs by single spaces.
uniq: displays a text file by deleting lines repeated sequences.
uptime : shows how long the system is turned on.
useradd: Adds a user on the system.
userdel: Removes a user's system.
users: shows the name of the registered users.
vigr: an open section of the appropriate vi to edit the file / etc / group.
w: shows who is logged into the system and what they are doing.
wall: sends a message to all users logged into the system.
wc: count of words, bytes and lines of a file or standard input.
Which: shows the location a binary file that is in the PATH system.
who: shows logged into the system in question.
whoami: shows your user.

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